It’s been a long time...
Thanks so much for being YOU! Thanks so much for keeping me in mind as it is my MISSION to SHARE this LOVE! Intimacy Guidance serves to help you or your loved ones with Conflict resolution with current partners or business, & intimate sexuality My unique gift is creating the highest level of heart and safety for women with deep issues of trusting men and self within. Below is a summary of the phone counseling work I provide and who it is best situated for. Remember, should you refer me out to an inspired person, the session is a gift from you, for 70 minutes, for a transformational experience with an embodied consciousness shift toward more authentic Self. Give them my phone number (see bottom) and encourage them to directly call me after your introduction as to the benefit they could receive from this kind of discovery. “OPEN HEART THERAPY” sessions with Andrew Jones, MA from University of Santa Monica See with a Learning Orientation to Life through Spiritual Psychology Call me up with your dream of who you wish to be! 760.402.6049 Secondarily benefits are: healing trauma, emotional disturbance, work stress, soul anxiety, loss of loved ones, self nurturing, intentions, entrepreneurship The goal is Self Mastery, and the support to TRULY SOAR This is not just for someone’s suffering to be relieved, this also for those wanting to expand the High Self by uncovering the consciousness holding patterns in the Subtle Body energy * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "Getting Un-Stuck in a Fun Way” Create more Intimacy, Clarity, and Joy withing your Self and with your Partner I'd like to share a bit of one of my client's journeys, as I find it incredibly helpful and useful for anyone who wants to experience life as fully embodied, as free, as radiant...
...The most profound opening occurred in her belly, where she had been storing sadness most of her life, using candy and television as a numbing distractions when uncomfortable feelings began to emerge, especially sadness. We explored the practice of reassigning stagnant/disruptive energy; naming the gift of the belly’s energy as protective, as holding. We touched on the grief and repulsion that is natural to emerge during the "getting to know you" process with the belly— the self-resentment for holding back for so long, the self-compassion for not having the tools to cope. Using inner inquiry, she chose to reassign the energy into her legs— to root her, to help her feel home, to assist her in taking creative action in her life. The belly is a storehouse in the body. It stores past emotion that was unprocessed, often because proper tools of awareness were not available at some point in one’s life. The belly also often takes on the role of protector. It is the place that we experience fear, longing, desire, pleasure, rejection, grief, anger, ecstasy. It also happens to be where creative energy lies dormant in most human beings. It is the center of creation. It takes a conscious intention to explore internally the wounds of the past with an open hearted curiosity to begin to rouse that creative energy. In this work, Embodied Voice Freedom Technique, we give voice to the stagnant areas of the body. By giving voice to the blocked areas in the body, suppressed memories emerge, repressed energy has an opportunity to be reassigned and work for the system, rather than unconsciously against it, and dormant power activates and liberates. The system is free to flow in it’s natural radiance, unencombered, uninhibited. Free. I wish to ask, "How are you?"
And more so, "Who are you?" How do we define ourselves? How do we deal with those who may consider, like it or not, that we are on a Spiritual path, and no matter how much we learn, the challenges and unresolved patterns continue? Or do the patterns sneakily change shape to occur in our mind and emotions barely detectable? Are we living at the helm, or blown by the winds of life and our emotions? Is there room for mystery and majesty at your dinner table? I find myself in the role of parenting, and notice both the upheaval of mental perceptions of my role as not only a parent, but as a husband and friend, a provider, a citizen, a teacher, and social human. Sometimes even an animal as instinctual as a fox, timid as a deer, or fierce as a lion. I notice my expectations of our roles as parents dissolve in the love that Anjali, my daughter, showers forth in a spring of spontaneous beingness. To love her is to respond: To hug when she wants, To let her go when she wants, To lift when she wants ‘up’, To watch, carefully watch and be near when she wants witnessing. It’s her world, and I become simply a shepherd trying to keep the grass green around her. The role of husband and things the way I thought they were or the way the world I think it should be dissolve if I let myself love unconditionally. To love my wife trust this blessed mother of this sweet child with all that she is. This means admitting my own part in becoming entangled in the limbic system of our human bonds, teamwork and role-playing of parents. To love my wife during anything situation that frustrates me, as my own part in losing my own center. To let go of my own expectations of making it easier, and being courageous and clear enough to simply admit any feelings of hurt, sad, or angry as my own responsibility. No one actually causes pain inside myself but my own self. This human-ness is stark, raw, and a challenge. To trust that I am held by something bigger is my Spiritual path, that I am indeed sourced by a mighty force that spins the Earth, created the cosmos, and orchestrates the life of everything thing on Earth. That if I can trust that I am held by that, only then can I trust that my wife is, too, and what’s present in her is her karma, and probably reflecting in some way my karma that I am working to heal. Only then can I trust that my child is perfect in every way as well She is my teacher, As she listens and responds to her own innate beingness To shed the roles and expectations is to be present for me, To keep facing the hurts inside and befriend them, Lest I suffer to chastise myself or others. This is the surrender to truly “know” less, and be present to the Wisdom of Love that is trying to explode from my skin, and trying to cleanse all within me. This unknown was not my father’s cup of tea, nor this culture I grew up in. So I learn, grateful for the dedication of my wife, whom amongst few I’ve met, tenaciously seeks what is unhealed in her. Sometimes she ruthlessly finds and reflects it in me, within the chosen agreement we have to evolve in this way. To evolve to actually realize our selves without these patterns of small self that hide, protect, confuse, or otherwise veil who and what we truly are. Could it be that we are vast and luminous as illucidated in Nelson’s Mandela’s speech in 1994? Could it be that what the Buddha tells us, what the Christ frequency points to, is enlightenment to the light, love, and reality of oneness that is the spark inside every small creature to the largest star. To dedicate oneself to discover this, for the good of all beings, that others may benefit from our own eradication and purification of our own obscurations from this truth; This is the Spiritual path. So, yes, more and more I must surrender my armor and my weapons to feel the hurt that’s underneath, to trust my wife, my beloved partner in this journey, to her feminine wisdom and utter connection to the earth and this pulsing life force, and winds of emotion. To show me in the mirror my own disguises. Gratitude in waves that soften the stone of my resistances Tears of old ways washing away Under her love that works to accept me As I am, faults and all. This is the spiritual path. To be with what is with the wisdom of the vastness to hold it all, like the ocean. To breathe new life into this body shedding the old costumes that don’t serve, and trust this Love unfolding in all things and all ways, beyond even my own birth and death. Trust your heart Trust your heart In its breaking, mending, and singing Like the dew, A stream, Or torrents of rain. “2 months old!"
From Andrew: Greetings dear friends, We are pleased to announce during our 4th trimester, that Anjali is healthy, happy, joyful, and getting her first adventures outside the home. We have also seen some intense healing between our histories and us. In my newness to parenting, I am flooded with memories of my father, my deep love and my let-downs, his anger in my system that sneaks out, and the utter impatience I’ve had with nervousness, as he had with my mother. And please know, all the ease and grace and natural ability I have being a parent and absolute cherishing and faith in our family, comes from my mother and father’s steadfast dedication to loving. Destiny helped me discover a depth in my reactions which was this: When I react with anger, I am actually afraid. Not only do I not get what I truly want and need I make it more difficult for my beloved to have peace. As we worked it, we found something similar for Destiny: “When I feel ‘holier than’, or offer confusion, I am actually nervous. Not only do I not get what I truly want and need, I make it more difficult for my beloved to have peace and block intimacy by withholding feelings. We’ve uncovered some intense patterns, and it wasn’t a pretty road to get there. But, we realized our intentions for this time were to clear the debris out of our minds and emotions, so we can offer clarity to our beloved daughter, Anjali. It kicked it all up in our faces! This became an entangled mess as we triggered each other far past calmness, clarity, or comprehension. We found our way through, and we’d like to share a little with you. Tune in for a live discussion with personal Q&A via phone next Thursday at Noon (PST) Dial: (605) 475-4099 Access code: 214776 Thank you. Love, Andrew and Destiny And please sign in with your email to the OPT-IN box on fronif you'd like a reminder ******* Create more Love and Life in "Open Heart Therapy" Sessions Andrew here and ecstatic to share We birthed our child together, and I put these clips together with an original destiny song to view: Pregnancy Montage Video Watch the whole video as the ending is very sweet surprise. The song is an original by Destiny, embellished with guitar arrangement by me. It's a batch of recent rough demos in our first professional studio here in Ashland (which is why the video is on a campaign site) to gather steam to share her music. And how am I? Among all the greatness, I have one thing to reflect if I can be so unguarded, and undefended. "No amount of spiritual work, meditation, loving intentions, makes us arrive anywhere absolutely stable, trouble free, or stops the 'work' of being alive and expanding consciousness." says I! Just this week recognized how yet again, how easy it is to fall into patterns, and find places of self hate so cloaked, and a story of being so scared of rejection, that i was completely numb to it only to find pain in parts of my body instead. The answer, to be real and to reassure myself that there is NOTHING that we don't want to become aware of within ourselves. That is the Self-Love. Nothing we want to hide ourselves from can hurt us deeper than the fear, avoiding, and judgment that results. Take a risk. Share what you think no one can love and find out they have the same thing! Love Andrew much love
For those of you who are in Ashland, I encourage you to join us at this
Special EVENT: A one time, 2 hour- FREEING THE VOICE workshop is available to a just a handful of you dedicated expressionists! (due to car capacity at our current home a Beloved Sanctuary) so act now... This Thursday Evening 6:30-8:30 pm at our home and cozy TEMPLE space. <3 This special longer class will allow for more one-on-one assistance from Destiny and Andrew and this may be the only class until well after birth. RSVP is mandatory to Andrew: [email protected] for directions. Don't pass this up if you're interested AND we hope all of you can join us THIS THURSDAY (April 18) from 11am-noon PST (1pm EST) for another incredible Interactive Intimacy Teleseminar hosted by Destiny White and Andrew Jones ( Last time we shared secrets of finding the balance between that ravenous sexual desire (and discovering the real longing underneath the craving) "Which unconscious beliefs are causing disconnection in my life/relationship." Upcoming we will deepen this investigation and share how we resolved to the point of that we were able to be married! How did we do this? Find out and ask us! We will be sharing tools of how to identify distorted beliefs and how to transform them into an energy that supports connection in your life and relationship. If you have any specific questions, please email them to us at [email protected] or simply respond to this email. We will also be taking questions live on air. *please invite any friends you feel will benefit* Thursday, April 18 11am--noon Conference Dial-in Number: (605) 475-4000 Participant Access Code: 214776# + we would love to gift you our newest video: Intimate Authenticity (click to view) If you missed our teleseminar last week, we hope you'll have an opportunity to listen for free here. The tools we speak of are incredibly powerful for allowing sexual balance in your life and relationship. Beginning with allowing and further investigating what the deeper longing is behind your craving or aversion to sexuality.
Daily Toolbox